Selectors are used to define which instances a rule is responsible for styling:
Name | Specifier | Description |
Class Selector | n/a | Styles instances with a specific class name. |
Name Selector | # | Styles instances which have a specific name. |
Tag Selector | . | Styles instances which have a specific tag. |
State Selector | : | Styles instances which have a specific state active (e.g. hover). |
Psuedo Selector | :: | Creates a new instance of a specific class name. |
TextButton {}
#CoolElement {}
.MyTag {}
:hover {}
::UIPadding {}
Unnecessary Nesting
You can put selectors next to each other to avoid unnecessary nesting of rules:
TextButton ::UICorner {
TextButton {
::UICorner {
Multiple Selectors
You can apply the same rule to multiple selectors by using a comma separated list (note that this will still compile to three distinct style rule instances):
TextButton, TextLabel, ImageButton ::UICorner {
Size = udim2 (.5, .5);
Position = udim2 (.5, .5)
TextButton {
Size = udim2 (.5, .5);
Position = udim2 (.5, .5)
TextLabel {
Size = udim2 (.5, .5);
Position = udim2 (.5, .5)
ImageButton ::UICorner {
Size = udim2 (.5, .5);
Position = udim2 (.5, .5)
Select Children And Descendants
can be used to select children, and >>
can be used to select descendants.
-- Selects all Instances with the class `TextLabel`
-- that are children of `ImageButton` Instances.
ImageButton > TextLabel {
-- Selects all Instances with the class `TextLabel`
-- that are descendants of `ImageButton` Instances.
ImageButton >> TextLabel {
#FooBar {
-- Selects all Instances called `Baz`
-- that are children of Instances called `FooBar`.
> #Baz {